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The Sunshine Blogger Award 2

Thank you so much Anna @ Adventures With a Book Nerd for nominating me!

This is the second time I received this award, and I could not be more thrilled. Also sorry that it took me so long to post this, life had been so busy XD.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog


If you could only read books by one author for the rest of your life, which author would you choose and why?

Okay, this question is just horrible and cruel ?. By choosing only one author, that means my book choices would be severely limited (how DARE you). But I guess, either Elise Kova or Rachel E. Carter.

What is your favorite book cover, and why is it your favorite?

I’m not kidding when I say I literally do not judge a book by its cover. If this book has fricking NO cover but its story is still amazing, it’s worth it. It’s also because of this, this question took a really, really long time to try and find an answer. I guess…Caraval. I mean, Fantasy usually really do have the most beautiful covers in general, and Caraval is no exception. (But seriously, that cover is gorgeous).

Sweet or savory?

Um…sweet. Yeah, sweet.

What is one book to movie adaptation that you are excited for?

It’s not really movie adaptation, but I’m SO excited for the Throne of Glass (by Sarah J. Maas) TV adaptation.

What are three tips you have for new bloggers?

1. Give it time. Just focus on making excellent content, don’t worry about the followers, views, etc so much in the beginning.

2. Make blogger friends! They can really, really help you ( I really wish I knew this earlier). And join blogger groups where experienced (and fellow new bloggers) help each other, and can share posts.

3. This might be a stupid tip, but I wish I realized it sooner. Personalize your questions in interviews. DO NOT use the same questions.

What was the last book you bought?

Oh my god, I just realized I’m been reading so many ARCs I’ve just realized I haven’t bought a book in so long (I get all the book I want for free XD). But the last book that was bought for me (by my dad for my birthday) is Caraval by Stephanie Barber.

What is your favorite season?

WINTER. Winter all the way❄.

Would you rather be a hero or villain? Why?

I feel like the villain so many times in my life because of how misunderstood I am, which is why I always root for the villain. But realistically, I’ll rather be the hero because let’s face it: we all want happy endings. Because villains do not deserve any happiness, no matter the reason. Right?

If you could have lunch with any book character, which one would you choose and why?

Oh my god! I will give my left pinkie for an opportunity like that. Percy Jackson would have to be my top choice.

What is one book that you were disappointed by?

Shadowsong (and Wintersong a little bit) by S. Jae-Jones. Storm Siren by Mary Weber, The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian, The Orphan Queen series by Jodi Meadows, and An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. Oh, and I loved The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel, by The Revolution of Ivy was such a disappointment (I don’t know why).

Aliens are circling the world and are threatening to blow it up. Luckily you have been chosen to convince them otherwise (congrats!). What do you say to the aliens to convince them not to blow us up?

We have really, really, really good food and movies. And may I introduce to you something called books.

My questions:

  • Which book to movie adaptation did you hate the most?
  • What book character superpower do you want (you can only chose one)?
  • Which book character would you want to be your husband/wife (you can only chose one)?
  • Would you rather have the ability to erase your memories of books as you wish so you can repeatedly re-read them, or the ability to turn back the clock when you bought a book you’re super disappointed in?
  • If you can only read one genre for the rest of your life what would it be?
  • If you can only enter the book world (of one book) what would it be?

i nominate…

Chloe @ Book Dragons

Mary @ Stacking My Bookshelves

Di @ Book Reviews by Di

Charvi @ Not Just Fiction

Simant Verma @ Flipping Through the Pages

Debnance @ Readerbuzz

Jenea @ Jenea’s Book Obsession

Greg @ Book Haven

Samantha @ The Book Disciple

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