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10 Easy and Interesting book blog post ideas for Your Blogs

Do you sometimes find yourselves struggling to come up with book blog post ideas for your blogs?

In this blog post, we have compiled a list of 10 easy and interesting book blog post ideas that will spark your creativity and keep your audience coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned book blogger or just starting out, these ideas are designed to inspire you, ignite your passion for books, and provide valuable content for your blog. From book reviews to author spotlights, we’ve got you covered with a variety of engaging topics that will captivate your readers and enhance your blogging experience. So, grab your favourite beverage, cozy up with your reading list, and let’s dive into these book blog post ideas that are sure to make your blog shine!

Stay tuned as we unveil these exciting book blog post ideas that will take your blogging journey to the next level. Get ready to ignite your creativity, connect with fellow book lovers, and make your blog a go-to destination for bookish discussions and recommendations. We can’t wait to see your blog thrive with these 10 easy and interesting book blog post ideas.

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Writing and sharing reviews of books or series is a fundamental aspect of book blogging. This allows you to express your thoughts, opinions, and recommendations on the books you’ve read. You can discuss the plot, characters, writing style, and overall impressions, helping your readers make informed decisions about their reading choices.

books file on book shelves


Create curated lists of books based on specific themes or genres. For example, you can compile a list of your favourite romance novels, sci-fi classics, or mystery thrillers. These lists provide valuable recommendations to your audience, helping them discover new books and authors that align with their interests.

women sitting on table with cups of coffee and laptop


There are two different ways to contact an author for an interview. You can either go through the author directly or contact the publicist. I usually contact the authors directly for an interview, but the ways of approach change from how busy the author is. Conducting interviews with authors or fellow bloggers is an excellent way to engage with the bookish community. You can reach out to authors directly or through their publicists to ask them questions about their writing process, inspirations, upcoming projects, or any other relevant topics. It offers insights into the author’s perspective and provides valuable content for your readers.

person using laptop computer during daytime


This is pretty stupid, and you don’t see it a lot (probably because it’s stupid), but I like it because through this I get to share funny pictures that only bookworms would understand with my viewers, which is the best feeling in the world. Share humorous book-related pictures or memes that resonate with bookworms. These light-hearted posts can create a sense of camaraderie among your readers, who will appreciate the relatable and amusing content. It adds an element of fun and entertainment to your blog.

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Well, the sub-title basically sums it up. Provide a comprehensive list of blog post ideas, just like the one you’re creating now. This type of post serves as a resource for other book bloggers, offering inspiration and suggestions for their own content creation. It can cover a wide range of topics, such as book tags, author spotlights, bookish discussions, or reading challenges.

photo of an adorable cat sleeping next to a book and eyeglasses


Now, I haven’t had a chance to do this yet, since I’m not very experienced with this and am a little bit rusty with how it works. Also, all of my anticipated books already released their covers, so there really aren’t that many covers to be revealed. But that does not mean you should not do a cover reveal on your blog! Share cover reveals for upcoming books. This involves unveiling the cover art and providing some information about the book, such as the release date and a brief description. It generates excitement among your readers and allows them to discover new books they might be interested in.

stack of books on white table


I actually did this one before, but then later deleted it because I forgot to save it. This is a really good idea and also reminds you to always save. Top 10 Books of the Year List: At the end of each year, compile a list of your favourite books that you’ve read throughout the year. This gives your readers an overview of your top recommendations and allows them to see which books stood out to you. It can spark conversations and discussions about the best books of the year within the book blogging community.

flowers candle books and cloth on windowsill


For future bloggers and blogger wannabes. You never know, your post may vastly improve someone’s blog. A List of Blogging Tips: Share your knowledge and experiences as a blogger by creating a list of helpful tips and advice for aspiring or new bloggers. You can cover various aspects of blogging, such as content creation, building an audience, social media promotion, or maintaining consistency. It’s a way to give back to the community and potentially assist others in improving their own blogs.

person holding cup of coffee book blog post ideas


I actually got mine from another website that I found on Pinterest, but I suggest you make your own since that is what I would do in 2017. Make a Reading Challenge of the Month or Year: Create a reading challenge for yourself and encourage your readers to participate. It could involve reading a certain number of books within a specific genre, exploring new authors, or tackling a particular theme. You can provide monthly or yearly updates on your progress and invite your readers to share their experiences and recommendations.

healthy light restaurant nature book blog post


This a fun survey for your viewers to enjoy while scrolling through your blog. Conduct a fun survey on your blog to engage with your audience and gather insights about their reading preferences or book-related opinions. You can create multiple-choice questions or open-ended prompts and encourage your readers to participate. Surveys not only add interactivity to your blog but also provide valuable feedback that can help shape your future content.

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