Title: Emotional Paramedics
Author: Susan E. Barton
Series: N/A, stand-alone novel
Publication Date: August 18, 2016
Page Count:201
Genre: YA, coming of age, Homelessness & Poverty
Format: eBook
Source: ARC
This book is a wonderful example for a messed up life, and how to come out of one. This book touched me in so many ways, showed me the dark side and the kind side of humanity. August is a kind, strong, intelligent young women living in a world of chaos. Her mom (Alis) is a slutty hooker that doesn’t think twice about her daughter’s well-being, even when August is in physical danger and constantly being sexually assaulted. But she also get some love, from her half sister and her grandmother that for some reason never manage to win custody of her. Then she died and August lost the only light of her life, while her mom uses her to get hands on the inheritance that August’s grandmother left her.
After she was kicked out of a house from Alis’ rapist boyfriend, August found herself in a kind and caring family that gave her the love that she had lacked for a long time in her life.
The plot-line brought us up and down into a roller coaster ride, with multi-dimensional characters with extremely well-written plot-line and writing techniques. This is a book that is worth every penny and everyone should read.
#EmotionalParamedicsBySusanEBartonBookRevie #SusanBarton #Emotional #comingofage #HomelessnessPoverty