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Book Review: Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within by Michael J. Brooks

Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within by Michael J. Brooks

In the second book of this adult science-fiction thriller, a young immigrant woman, from Colony Three, becomes an outcast within Eden’s class system but decides to retaliate, and she aims to recruit Randal Scott, one of the colonies’ liberators, into a social-justice organization involved in a shadow war against murderous extremists scheming to preserve the status quo.

What is the journey of a lottery beneficiary, a colony immigrant, like? What happens when an immigrant is transplanted on Eden, the utopian motherworld of humanity’s intergalactic republic, with hopes and dreams only to find themselves still marginalized by a class system? Akane Sugimori, a nineteen-year-old immigrant, found out, suffering through one tragedy after another.

Akane fortunately survived the hardships of Eden’s class system and now attempts to recruit Randal Scott, one of the colonies’ liberators, into a social-justice organization fighting for immigrant equality. Randy seems to be the perfect prospect, now finding himself a pariah among his brothers and sisters-in-arms since siding with the Coalition and taking part in the Battle of the Quad. But Randy discovers there’s more to this organization than meets the eye, as he becomes entangled in a violent shadow war that may have a seismic impact on the New Humanity’s future.

Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within sees the return of Randal Scott and Stacie Spencer and welcomes newcomer Akane Sugimori, a headstrong Asian female character, to the Wars of the New Humanity series!

This emotional, edge-of-your-seat science-fiction technothriller will appeal to fans of N.E. Davenport, David Weber, Django Wexler, and W.C. Bauers, or simply readers looking to have a darn good time!

Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within Review

I was compensated with a small amount for my time and effort in reading the book and writing this review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and are based on my honest personal experience reading the book. Nor did the publisher in any way shape or form ever pressure me to give a positive review.

Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within explores the challenges encountered by Akane Sugimori, a teenage immigrant from Colony Three, as she makes her way through Eden, the utopian motherworld of humanity, and its discriminatory class system. Resilience and disobedience characterize Akane’s path as she tries to upend the established quo by enlisting Randal Scott, a former colonial liberator, in a social justice group that promotes immigrant equality. But the more Randy learns about this group, the more he realizes that there is a bloody underground conflict going on, one that could have a significant impact on New Humanity’s future.

Readers are introduced to the harsh reality of prejudice and discrimination through Akane’s perspective, as well as the difficulties of hope and survival in a purportedly ideal society. This science-fiction technothriller delves into themes of social justice, identity, and the strength of resistance against oppression, offering lovers of the genre an immersive experience with its emotional complexity and thrilling action sequences.

I have to admit that a big part of why I like Akane more than Randy is that I recognize a lot of similarities between our experiences. It’s amazing how well the author captures the essence of Akane, even though their demographics are probably closer to Randy’s. I could really relate to Akane’s story because I, too, have struggled with prejudice and have regretfully witnessed the subtleties of benefiting from racism as a member of a relatively “privileged” minority. The way these topics are portrayed in the story feels real and relevant, and most importantly, it deepens the already compelling storyline. This genuineness really caught my attention and held my attention as the story developed.

The story and characterization of Akane offer a moving mirror of actual relationships, illuminating the intricacies of tyranny and how it is sustained by ingrained prejudices. It’s a depressing fact that members of oppressed communities sometimes commit acts of racism inside their own group, and that occasionally women can participate in the oppression of other women. It can be unsettling to watch these occurrences develop and raise concerns about how and why they happen.

However, Akane’s tale highlights one of the sneaky ways that systemic oppression operates: the propensity of oppressed people to unintentionally support the very institutions that do them harm. It serves as a sobering reminder that oppressed people must stand united; our power is found in our solidarity, not in our differences. Through Akane’s journey, the book explores the issue of social justice in a way that may be even more significant than before because it focuses on her challenges and how they may affect the larger battle against prejudice and inequality.

This book keeps the gripping action, complex storylines, and ongoing world-building from its predecessor, but what really makes it stand out is how well Akane is portrayed. Akane shines as the shining light amid the dynamic story and developing conflicts, enthralling readers with her depth, resiliency, and unflinching resolve. Her presence has a lasting effect and greatly improves the reading experience as a whole.

We see the harsh reality of Eden’s class system, the injustices experienced by immigrants, and the difficulties associated with navigating one’s identity in a prejudice-filled society via Akane’s eyes. Her story touches readers emotionally, engrossing them in her hardships and victories. To put it simply, even if the plot is full of action and mystery, Akane’s character is what really makes the novel stand out and has a lasting effect on those who travel with her.

My final thought is that Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within presents a riveting science-fiction thriller full of action and mystery as well as a moving examination of social justice through Akane Sugimori’s compelling story. Michael J. Brooks invites readers to consider the intricacies of oppression in a futuristic society by deftly navigating topics of resistance, identity, and discrimination. This entry in the Wars of the New Humanity series makes a lasting impression with its complex characters and thought-provoking plot, solidifying its status as a must-read for readers of the genre.

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About the Author of Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within

Michael J. Brooks holds a BA in Art and an MFA. Exploration of social issues, unpredictable plot twists, and vivid action and adventure are the crux of his adult science-fiction novels. He is a fan of the works of W.C. Bauers, William C. Dietz, N.E. Davenport, Larry Correia, Django Wexler, Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Richard Baker, and others. Dedicated to being the best wordsmith possible, his goal is to deliver absolute quality and a fun, well-written adventure. When not writing, he enjoys reading comic books, watching Netflix, and reading sci-fi and fantasy books.

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